Friday, May 13, 2016

Comic Book Review: Serenity: Firefly Class 03-K64

Serenity: Firefly Class 03--K64

Free Comic Book Day 2016

by  Chris Roberson
Date Read:  5/12/16
Rating: ★ ★ 

Well, I have to say I was disappointed in this. I was hoping for a story from the Firefly or Serenity stories…but instead it was just River telling a “bedtime story” with some strange twists to a Zoe’s baby.  I haven’t actually watched Serenity yet (we own it but haven’t watched it), though I know they killed off a lot of the characters, so perhaps I would have liked it more if I’d watched that. I believe it probably shows a quick snapshot in a twisted version of Zoe and Walsh’s relationship.  But it wasn’t even a real story. It was just a couple pages long...  I was not impressed and was very disappointed.

There was also a very short Hellboy comic as well. Again, I can hardly call it a comic. It was only a few pages long and barely had a plot. I really had no idea what was going on.

It ALSO included a short Aliens story also, which I read, but had no idea what was going on. Perhaps if you’re a fan of Aliens or have read the comics it would make more sense to you.

This was overall a very disappointing grab for me.


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