Brandon has officially completed his first edit of his book! It was a tedious process of which he did not enjoy every minute, but was necessary. Now that it's finished, he is ready to print out some copies and get feedback.
He printed several copies and we are going to pass them out to friends and family who we think would be interested in this genre and who believe will give us good feedback. The worst thing would be for someone to feel uncomfortable telling him their true thoughts, and then he is heartbroken when no publishers will read the book. Don't feel left out if you don't get a copy either - he only printed about 6 copies - it's expensive to print so many pages just for a read through!
So basically we're asking for feedback on content, flow, plot, and grammer. Everyone knows how much a book will be torn apart if it has grammer issues, so that is a huge one. I'm not sure what timeline we're looking at for getting feedback from everyone. I'm thinking a couple months? Does anyone have any suggestions for a timeframe? I know our goal is to get the feedback early enough that he can get everyone's edits completed and we can send it out to publishers before the end of the year. So I'm thinking a couple months, maybe 3 or 4? Then it will take him a while to go through the feedback and edits from 7 different people.
We also will need to start researching how to make submissions to publishers. What are they looking for? What do you need to send with your manuscript? How do you print off the manuscript? We also have an indirect contact at Scholastic (see previous post here), so hopefully we can get someone to at least read it there. I hear that is the hardest thing - getting someone to actually pick it up off the desk and read it.
Anyways, the next phase is happening and we can't wait! We are looking forward to everyone's feedback and planning the next phase!